Eileen has been the perfect broker. We’re from Spain and often had difficulty understanding the complexities of the American real estate market.

Thankfully Eileen helped us navigate it by providing us with all the information we needed and went above and beyond many times. In fact she’s more than just our broker now, we consider her a true friend. She was always on our side being proactive and is aggressive enough to make sure that the other side doesn’t get their way. Eileen will look out for your best interest. She’s got a strong character along with charisma and is very knowledgeable so she guides you and makes sure that you take all the necessary steps.

Communication between us was impeccable, she was always there to help us when we needed her. The whole process was much easier thanks to her, especially taking into consideration that we were in our country for some time during this period and obstacles arose on an almost daily basis.